Since we're not "real" film people...
We've developed our own film terms around here. We know that somewhere on the internet there are terms for all the things listed below, but we haven't the time to look them up. Oddly, we DID take the time to write ours down over a cold one.
AutoRestoMod filming terms:
Beekering – when your speaking voice soars four octaves higher than normal. Side effect of meeting Chip Foose. Meep.
“Change the angle of your dangle.” – tilt the camera.
Minion-Anyone that runs a camera.
Chicken Light – In reality they are kitchen lights that we modified to serve as excellent lighting in what seems to be a perpetual parade of black cave like interiors.
The Sun- Wickedly bright LED work light that serves to help us light up pretty much anything that it hits.
The Moon- Smaller, kinder, gentler work light that cast a soothing glow over Jeff's ugly mug.
Dick Doofus – previous owners of the car in question. Utilized when something particularly stupid that was done to the car in the past pops up proving that the trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right. And yes we have all been Dick Doofus...
Iggy Noray Moose - A far more dangerous (at least to automobiles) man-type than even the vaunted Dick Doofus. Where Dick Doofus will make a mistake, Iggy will create an automotive cataclysm of near biblical proportions. We found some of Iggys work on a '65 Mustang hardtop.
Dookie, DooCoo, (see also Pooh) - Anything we can't remember the proper name of.
Fat Kid (The) –black sand bag. Used to hold the camera rolling base steady when the camera is leaning out at a dangerous angle.
Fro Mic - Carra’s voiceover mike.
Mouse (1, 2, and 3) – There is currently a war over the remotes; Gina must have 1 (there can be only one) and 'The Minion" must have 2. Forcing Vinnie and Jeff to be in constant search for 3 in times when it is more convenient for "The Minion" or Gina not to move--like when they are trapped behind a car and camera.
Jiblet - The small jib crane we purchased...then spent more and more money on.
Rolly thingy – the camera dolley (rolling base).
Talking Head – shots of the presenter saying what they are going to do and how they are going to do it...usually without actually doing anything.
Whompyjaw – Screwed up.
The Morgan Freeman - An extreme closeup.
Beekering – when your speaking voice soars four octaves higher than normal. Side effect of meeting Chip Foose. Meep.
“Change the angle of your dangle.” – tilt the camera.
Minion-Anyone that runs a camera.
Chicken Light – In reality they are kitchen lights that we modified to serve as excellent lighting in what seems to be a perpetual parade of black cave like interiors.
The Sun- Wickedly bright LED work light that serves to help us light up pretty much anything that it hits.
The Moon- Smaller, kinder, gentler work light that cast a soothing glow over Jeff's ugly mug.
Dick Doofus – previous owners of the car in question. Utilized when something particularly stupid that was done to the car in the past pops up proving that the trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right. And yes we have all been Dick Doofus...
Iggy Noray Moose - A far more dangerous (at least to automobiles) man-type than even the vaunted Dick Doofus. Where Dick Doofus will make a mistake, Iggy will create an automotive cataclysm of near biblical proportions. We found some of Iggys work on a '65 Mustang hardtop.
Dookie, DooCoo, (see also Pooh) - Anything we can't remember the proper name of.
Fat Kid (The) –black sand bag. Used to hold the camera rolling base steady when the camera is leaning out at a dangerous angle.
Fro Mic - Carra’s voiceover mike.
Mouse (1, 2, and 3) – There is currently a war over the remotes; Gina must have 1 (there can be only one) and 'The Minion" must have 2. Forcing Vinnie and Jeff to be in constant search for 3 in times when it is more convenient for "The Minion" or Gina not to move--like when they are trapped behind a car and camera.
Jiblet - The small jib crane we purchased...then spent more and more money on.
Rolly thingy – the camera dolley (rolling base).
Talking Head – shots of the presenter saying what they are going to do and how they are going to do it...usually without actually doing anything.
Whompyjaw – Screwed up.
The Morgan Freeman - An extreme closeup.